Monday, 11 May 2015


Research for Final Working Piece (Art)

I will be researching my favourite surreal artist known as Rene Francois Ghislain Magritte. He was born on 21 November 1898 in Lessines, Belgium.

I base my artwork off of his style of surrealism. Such as this artwork below I added a different item to make it look like that it has a different perspective from which way you look at it.
He uses this technique in numerous paintings of his and adapts it in his own way which makes it look more beautiful and unique in everyone.

In this painting the backdrop is actually night time but the actual bird isn't a colour; it is actually the same as a day sky, clouds included.

And in this painting is where most of my inspiration comes from. it is called the empire of light by Rene Magritte. As you can see in this painting he creates the illusion of separate contrasts. In the sky it is day time, bright and cheerful with clouds; where as on the street it is night time, the street light is on, the trees are darkened out, the house is black and lights inside the window are on to basically create the illusion that it is day and night during the same time.

This started giving me ideas about starting a surreal image, so i drew it out as a base plate to later draw up onto a computer in photo shop.

(upload pictures of base template here)

This is after i coloured in the spaces and built it up before photoshop.

i decided to make a little adaption later in photo shop but with the time allotted i couldn't change it much. But at the moment this is what it looks like.

it eventually got developed more it became this.

so i liked the idea better on computer, but i thought i would adapt to it and change it into a collage with different images making a successful image.

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